1 - Poseidon.
2 - All patrongoddesses of Japanese craftswomen.
3 - Cybele, Bona Dea (the Good Goddess).
4 - Minerva, Chango (Yoruban god of lightning bolts.
5 - Poseidon, Lucina (Pagan goddess of light who was later Christianized
into Saint Lucia).
7 - Demeter.
8 - Astraea (Greek goddess of justice), Amaterasu, Neith (ancient
Egyptian Earth-Goddess of the Delta).
9 - Tonantzin.
10 - Liberty (goddess of freedom).
11 - Bruma (Roman goddess of the winter season), Arrianrhod, the Snow Queen
Goddess, and Yuki Onne.
12 - Coatlique, Tonantzin, the Black Madonna.
13 - Lucina (Sweden).
15 - Alcyone (Greek goddess).
16 - Sapientia (or Sophia, goddess of wisdom), Athena, Kista,
Maat, Minerva, the Shekinah, Spider Woman (Hopi tribe),
Hawk Maiden (Hopi tribe).
17 - Saturn (through December 24).
18 - Diev (Latvian god), Epona (Celtic Mother-Goddess and
the patroness of horses).
19 - Ops, Sankrant (Hindu goddess).
21 - The Horned God.
23 - Laurentina (Roman mother of the Lares), Balomain (
Kalish demi-god).
25 - Imvicti Solis (ancient Roman solar deity, the Invincible Sun),
Lutzelfrau and Perchta (German Yuletide Witches).
26 - Frau Sonne, Igaehindvo, the Star Faery, Sunne, Yemaya.
27 - Freya (Norse goddess of fertility, love, and beauty).
29 - Andromeda, Ariadne, Artemis.
31 - Hogmagog (Scottish god of the sun).
1 - Janus, the Three Fates, Bertha (German goddess),
the Morrigan the Parcae, and all Japanese household gods
2 - Isis and Inanna (Sumerian Queen of Heaven).
3 - Dionysus, the Deer Mothers (Native American spirit-
4 - The Korean god who rules Ursa Major.
6 - Kore.
7 - Sekhmet.
8 - Babo, Freya, Justica (Roman goddess of justice).
11 - Carmenae (Roman nymphs of prophecy), Juturno.
12 - The Lares (Roman household gods), Frigg (the chief
goddess of Old England).
13 - Tiu (an ancient Teutoniic chief god and ruler of
the year).
14 - Surya (Indian god of the sun).
16 - Concordia, Betoro Bromo (Indonesian god of fire).
17 - Felicitas (Roman goddess of good fortune).
18 - Zao Jun (Chinese kitchen-god).
19 - Thor (Norse god of thunder and lightning).
21 - Yngona (Danish goddess).
22 - The Muses.
23 - Hathor (Egyptian cow-headed goddess).
24 - Ekeko (Aymara Indian god of prosperity).
25 - All ancient gods and goddesses of Sweden.
27 - Ishtar (Babylonian goddess of love and war).
29 - Irene.
30 - Pax (Roman goddess of peace).
31 - The Valkyries, The Norns, Kuan Yin (Chinese goddess
of healing and mercy).
1 - Brigit (Celtic Earth-Mother and goddess of fire,
wisdom, poetry, and sacred wells).
2 - Juno Februa.
5 - Tyche, Fortuna, Wyrd, Ia.
6 - Aphrodite (Greek goddess of love).
9 - Apollo.
10 - Anaitis (Persian goddess of the moon).
12 - Artemis, Diana.
14 - Vali (Norse archer-god), Juno Februa, Juno Lupa (
Roman she-wolf goddess).
15 - Faunus, Lupercus.
17 - Kali (Hindu destroyer-goddess).
18 - Tacita (Roman goddess of silence), Spandarmat (
Persian goddess).
19 - Minerva, Nammu, Nina.
22 - Concordia.
23 - Terminus (Roman god of boundaries).
24 - Shiva (Hindu god of destruction and renewal)>
28 - Zamyaz (ancient Persian deity) and the Earth-Goddesses
Ceres, Demeter, Gaia, Ge, and Mauri.
1 - Juno Lucina, Granny March (Bulgarian Witch-Goddess).
2 - Ceadda (god of healing springs and sacred wells).
3 - Aegir (Teutonic god of the sea), and Triple Goddesses.
4 - Rhiannon (Celtic/Welsh Mother Goddess).
5 - Isis.
6 - Mars, all Roman household gods.
7 - Juno.
8 - Mother Earth.
11 - Herakles (Hercules).
14 - Goddess of the Birch Tree, Ua Zit (Egyptian serpent-
15 - Rhea (Greek Earth Goddess).
16 - Dionysus, Holika (Indian demon-goddess).
17 - Dionysus.
18 - Sheela-Na-Gid (Irish fertility goddess).
19 - Athena, Minerva, Sitala (Indian goddess).
20 - Iduna (Norse goddess), Fortuna, the Morrigan, the Norns,
the Three Fates, and the Three Mothers (Lakshmi, Parvati,
and Sarasvati).
21 - Aries (god of battle).
22 - Eostre (Saxon fertility goddess), Ostara (German fertility
goddess), the Green Goddess, Lord of the Greenwood.
23 - Mars, Saturn.
24 - Prytania (Britainnia), Heimdall, Cybele.
27 - Liber Pater (Roman god of wine), Gauri (Indian goddess
of marriage).
28 - Kwan Yin, Rudra.
29 - Ishtar, all African gods of rain and harvest.
30 - Janus, Concordia.
31 - Luna (Roman goddess of the moon).
1 - Loki (Norse trickster-god).
3 - Persephone.
4 - Cybele (the Great Mother).
5 - Fortuna, Kuan Yin.
7 - The Blajini (Rumanian spirit-gods of both water
and the underworld).
9 - A-Ma (Portuguese patroness of fishermen),
all Amazon goddesses.
10 - Bau (Babylonian goddess and mother of Ea).
11 - Anahit (Armenian goddess of love).
12 - Ceres (Roman goddess of the fruiful Earth), Chu-Si-Niu,
(Taiwanese goddess who presides over the birth of
13 - Libertas (Roman goddess of liberty).
14 - Maryamma (Mariamne), all Hindu sea-gods.
15 - Tellus Mater (Mother Earth).
16 - Apollo.
17 - Machendrana (Himalayan rain-god).
18 - Rama (Hindu god) and Sita.
20 - All bull-gods.
21 - Pales (Roman pastoral deity).
22 - Gaia (Mother Earth).
23 - Jupiter, Venus (Roman goddess of love).
24 - Luna Regia (Gnostic lunar-goddess).
27 - Tyi Wara (African god of agriculture).
28 - Flora (Roman goddess of flowers).
30 - Walpurga (Saxon goddess whom the Walpurgisnacht sabbat is
named after).
1 - Maia (Roman goddess of springtime).
2 - Elena (Helen, goddess of the holy road), Ysahodhara
(consort of Buddha).
3 - Bona Dea.
4 - All Irish fairy-folk.
5 - All Mexican and Central American rain-goddesses.
6 - Buddha.
7 - Apollo.
8 - The Horned God (Wiccan).
9 - The Lemures.
10 - Shiva and his consort Meenakshi, Tin Hau (Chinese
goddess of the North Star).
12 - Aranya Sashti (Indian god of woodlands).
14 - The ancient Norse goddess of the sun, Ing (hearth-god).
15 - Maia, Mercury, Vesta (goddess of the hearth).
17 - Dea Dia (goddess of the cosmos).
18 - Apollo.
20 - Thor, Athena.
23 - Flora, Venus.
24 - Hermes Trismegistus (the patron of alchemists), Artemis
(Greek lunar-goddess who also presides over wild beasts and
the art of hunting), the Three Celtic Mothers.
25 - Apollo.
27 - Diana, Proserpina, the Three Fates.
28 - Python (Greek serpent-goddess).
29 - Ceres, Dea Dia, Mars.
30 - Frigg (Norse Queen of Heaven).
31 - Buddha.
1 - Carna (Roman goddess of doors and locks), Tempestas
(a powerful ancient goddess who controlled storms).
2 - Mother Earth, Ishtar, Apollo.
3 - Befana, Bona Dea, Kuan Yin, Rumina, and Surabhi.
5 - Domna (Irish goddess of sacred stones), the Rain
People, and the Earth Mothers (Native American).
6 - Bendi (lunar-goddess of the Balkan Peninsula).
7 - Vesta.
8 - Mens (Roman goddess of the mind), all Chinese grain-
9 - Vesta.
11 - Fortuna.
12 - Zeus (the most powerful of Greek gods).
13 - Athena.
14 - Vidar (son of the Norse god Odin), Minerva, Jagannath (a
benevolent incarnation of the Indian god Vishnu).
17 - Eurydice (Greek tree nymph/underworld goddess).
18 - Anna (Roman goddess).
20 - Cerridwen (Celtic goddess of fertility).
21 - Hera, Kupala (Russian fertility goddess).
23 - The Green Man (ancient Pagan fertility-god).
24 - Fortuna.
25 - Parvati (Indian goddess).
26 - Salavi (Native American spruce tree/rain-god), the Corn
Mothers and the Kachinas.
27 - God of the Summer Sun (Native American, Plains tribe).
28 - Hemera (Greek goddess of day).
29 - Frey, Freyja, Papa Legba (Voodoo god of crossroads).
30 - Aestas (Roman corn-goddess of summer), Ceres, Changing
Woman (Native American), Chicomecoatl (Aztec), the Corn
Mothers, Demeter, Gaia, Ge, Hestia, Iatiku, Oraea,
Pachamama, Spider Woman (Native American), and Tonantzin.